download crosshair pb to cs 1.6[titik]
Halo gan ane mau kasih crosshair nih buat cs agan.sebenarnya sih ini sebuah software,tapi lumayanlah...cekidot
Shift + F1 = Small Red Dot
Shift + F2 = Medium Red Dot
Shift + F3 = Large Red Dot
Shift + F4 = Red Dot Off
Ctrl + Shift + F4 = Terminate Red Dot
Shift + F5 = Fade Red Dot to Black
Shift + F6 = Fade Red Dot to Green
Shift + F7 = Fade Red Dot to Yellow
Shift + F8 = Fade Red Dot to Blue
Ctrl + Tab = Toggle Clock On/Off
Ctrl + Shift + Z = Show Options Dialog
Ctrl + Shift + P = Terminate Half-Life
Download:Via 4SHARED
- Tutorial memasangnya
- download softwarenya di akhir pos
- buka cs 1.6
- tekan tombol "~"(disamping angka satu,diatas tab)
- ketik Hud_draw 0
- jalankan aplikasi yang telah didownload
- Pencet SHIFT+1
Shift + F1 = Small Red Dot
Shift + F2 = Medium Red Dot
Shift + F3 = Large Red Dot
Shift + F4 = Red Dot Off
Ctrl + Shift + F4 = Terminate Red Dot
Shift + F5 = Fade Red Dot to Black
Shift + F6 = Fade Red Dot to Green
Shift + F7 = Fade Red Dot to Yellow
Shift + F8 = Fade Red Dot to Blue
Ctrl + Tab = Toggle Clock On/Off
Ctrl + Shift + Z = Show Options Dialog
Ctrl + Shift + P = Terminate Half-Life
Download:Via 4SHARED
passnya apa ???
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